All Star Wars Symbols And Emblems With Their Meanings, Explained

Posted on 26 Oct 2024
All Star Wars Symbols And Emblems With Their Meanings, Explained

Star Wars is a space phenomenon that has hitherto kept science fiction fans entertained. As a result, Star Wars symbols have become common to many people worldwide. So, what do these awesome emblems mean?

How many Star Wars symbols do you know? If you consider yourself a fan, you should know most of them and their meaning. Here is everything you need to know about these symbols.

Star Wars symbols and emblems

What is the most iconic Star Wars symbol? Star Wars is a modern tale of mythic adventure. It follows the journey and growth of the protagonist. Here are some of the common symbols and what they mean.

1. Rebel Alliance (Alliance Starbird)

The Rebel Alliance is a Star Wars Rebel symbol. The Alliance united a mix of rebel cells and renegade senators. As a result, they responded to the Empire’s oppression of the galaxy. Its symbol comes from the crest of the Marek family.

The Rebel Alliance symbol represented the Alliance's goal of setting the stage for the rise again from the ashes of the Galactic Empire that it swore to topple.

2. Galactic Empire symbol

The Galactic Empire was known as the First Galactic Empire, the Empire, and later as the Old Empire. It was first introduced in the 1977 film Star Wars. It came to dominance through political scheming at the heart of the Galactic Republic Senate.

Their imperial symbol is associated with the might of the Empire. Its presence in the world signifies imperial control.

3. New Republic symbol

The New Republic was also known as the Republic. It was the restoration of the Galactic Republic that supplanted the Galactic Empire at the end of the Galactic Civil War. It started with some dancing Ewoks and the destruction of the second Death Star.

The New Republic symbol was based upon the symbol of the Alliance that preceded it. It was set within a circle of stars that represented the galactic community.

4. First Order symbol

The First Order was a fascist military junta in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy during the era of the New Republic. It was introduced in the 2015 film The Force Awakens.

The First Order symbol denoted an explosive force pushing against attempts to contain it.

5. Mandalorian Crest

Their rallying symbol is the skull of a mythosaur, a giant sea creature that once served as a mount for the ancient Mandalorians. It symbolised the unique authority of the Mandalore to interpret the will of the war gods.

The symbol survived the cataclysm that ruined their planet and changed their way of life.

6. Black Sun

Black Sun was a criminal syndicate. It came into prominence during the Clone Wars as the Jedi Order focused more on military affairs and less on law enforcement. It was allied with the Shadow Collective and its leader Darth Maul.

The Black Sun is a type of sun wheel symbol. It originated from Nazis Germany and was later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals and groups.

7. Sith Eternal crest

The Sith Eternal was a secretive and mysterious cult. It resided on the dark desert planet of Exegol within the depths of the Unknown Region.

The Sith Eternal crest was also known as a hex charm. It was a dagger-shaped symbol traditionally used by Sith assassins. It symbolises the limited space beyond which no one should go.

8. Galactic Republic symbol

The Galactic Republic was the governing democracy. It combined solar systems across the galaxy for over 20,000 years. The eight-spoked cog symbolises the democratic union of sovereign star systems.

9. Jedi Order symbol

The Jedi Order was also known as the New Jedi Order under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. It was a noble, monastic, and nontheistic religious order. This Jedi symbol signifies the unity in their devotion to the light side of the Force.

10. Sith Empire

The Sith Empire is also referred to as the reconstituted Sith Empire and the true Sith. It was established by the Sith of Korriban circa. It was an empire ruled by the religious Force-wielders known as the Sith.

This Star Wars empire symbol was uncannily similar to the Galactic Republic it despised. However, it drew equal inspiration from the Jedi precursor, the Dai Bendu. The symbol represented their role in galactic unification.

11. Yoda’s Crest

The crest is one of the common star wars crests. It was used as a personal symbol by the Grand Master of the Jedi Order Yoda. This Jedi wing symbol appears on the door to the Grand Master's quarters.

12. The Old Republic

The Old Republic was a galactic government that existed thousands of years before the Clone Wars. The Republic fought against Sith, the Mandalorians and the Zygerrian Slave Empire. They were supported by the Jedi Order.

The Old Republic crest symbol signified the benevolent presence of the Force in a united galaxy. The symbol of the Republic was a common sight in society. It was used for both civilian and military purposes.

Final word on Star Wars symbols

Understanding the symbols of the galaxy is essential. The Star Wars Symbols represent various roles in the galaxy and strict beliefs. Look through these symbols to remind yourself of your love of the franchise. also shared a detailed piece on popular car emblems. Car emblems help create the perfect first impression. Most people admire vehicles because of the symbols in them. This article highlights some of the common symbols you see on cars but have never bothered to find out what they mean.

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